SSBSE Announcement

SSBSE’15 hits a record number of submissions, totaling 51 submissions for all tracks.
The SBSE Challenge track has set a new standard, receiving almost twice the number of papers it attracted last year.

We are pleased to announce SSBSE 2015, the seventh edition of the annual symposium dedicated to Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE), to be held in Bergamo, Italy. Search-based Software Engineering (SBSE) studies the application of meta-heuristic optimization techniques to various software engineering problems, ranging from requirements engineering to software testing and maintenance.

The symposium builds on the flourishing interest in SBSE and provides a welcoming forum for discussion and dissemination that will strengthen the rapidly-growing international SBSE community.

SSBSE 2015 will be collocated with 10th Joint Meeting of the European Software Engineering Conference and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC-FSE-2015).